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Student-Led Immersion Brings Students and Veterans Together 

Serving Those Who Have Served Collage

This year, two clubs joined forces to create their own immersion program called Serving Those Who Have Served, which focuses on telling the stories of veterans in our community. Margaux Muhletaler ’25, president of SA 4 USA, and Lexie Ruth ’25, president of Veteran Voices, submitted the idea of running an immersion experience where Saint Andrew’s students could engage with veterans and capture their oral histories for possible submission into the Library of Congress. Margaux and Lexi were advised and assisted by SA teachers Dr. Jason Schipper and Ms. Vicky Zingarelli. 

During Immersion Week, 22 students participated in the Serving Those Who Have Served immersion program. Before the veterans came on campus, the students worked on learning how to collect oral histories, made cards to be sent to veterans, and assembled swag bags for the veterans. Students were divided into groups and given packets with specific questions to ask each veteran about their service. The oral history questions were ones that the Library of Congress requested for possible inclusion in their historical records.  

Over two days, eight veterans and two active service members from four branches of the military visited Saint Andrew’s School and had their oral histories recorded. When the veterans were not telling their stories, students gave them school tours, played games, and enjoyed a special lunch in the Cohen Center. On the last day of Immersion Week, the students wrote up the interviews, wrote cards to those at the VA hospital, and came together to reflect on their experiences engaging with the veterans. 

For Margaux, the most critical aspect of this immersion was having the chance to tell the stories of those who have served our country. “Remembering and retelling their stories just bring strength to our community.” 

Lexi noted that many veterans don’t talk about their time in the service or don’t have a chance to discuss it with others. “To be able to sit down and connect with them and have them share what they did is amazing, and it can be preserved for generations. It’s just awesome.”

Copies of the written versions of the oral histories will be given to each veteran and their family members. Margaux and Lexi hope to have this immersion happen next year and hope that more students and veterans will take part in this unique opportunity.  

Click here to see more photos from the Serving Those Who Have Served immersion program.

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