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Sunny day campus lake view at Saint Andrew's

Equity and Justice

伟德国际致力于不断发展一种尊重多样性的文化,并肯定我们社区每个成员的基本尊严. 使我们的学校成为一个安全和欢迎所有人的地方是我们的最高责任之一.

Imprint of student hands in artwork

Core to OUR Foundation


我们寻求帮助年轻人发展跨文化沟通技巧和跨越年龄差异的同理心理解, ability, family makeup, socioeconomic status, culture, religion, sexuality, gender, language, national origin, and ethnicity. 我们希望我们社区的所有成员——教师, staff, students, 家庭也一样——将重视公民话语和对他人的服务, and we hope to graduate students prepared, as their circumstances may demand, to act with moral courage.

Partnerships and Acitivities



"Each and every day, from the moment I step on campus, 我受到了一个热情好客的社区的欢迎. 教师和工作人员努力创造一个安全和包容的环境,让每个人都感到受到重视和尊重."

-Sophie Bogen, Upper School Student

Partnership with NAIS

“NAIS学校重视我们社区中个人的代表和充分参与,他们的差异包括但不限于年龄, ethnicity, family makeup, gender identity and expression, learning ability, physical ability, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status.

NAIS欢迎和庆祝我们成员学校的多样性. 我们期望会员学校创造和维持多元化, inclusive, equitable, 以及对所有人都安全和欢迎的社区.

我们认识到,这样做需要作出承诺, reflection, deliberate planning and action, and ongoing accountability.”


Partnership with NAES

“今天的圣公会学校里有形形色色的人,他们的身份和宗教越来越多样化, cultural, and economic backgrounds. 圣公会学校肯定这些差异是建立共同生活的力量源泉, deepen our common humanity, and enhance the intellectual, social, spiritual, and moral development of all students. 这一任务在NAES 2012年战略计划的目标四中得到了简洁的表达:“通过促进正义的价值观,在我们多宗教和包容性的圣公会学校社区的背景下阐明核心宗教身份。, equity, service, civil discourse, and moral courage.”



Committee on Equity and Justice

Formed in 2018, 伟德国际公平与正义委员会负责确保学校的氛围和文化尊重, affirms, 并保护其社会中每个成员的尊严和价值.

该委员会的目的是建立全校和各部门对与公平和正义有关的战略举措的所有权. The Committee is composed of individuals who, by virtue of their roles within the school, have the training, authority, 需要支持来影响政策制定的关键领域, decision making, budget, and management.


“当爱是道路时,就有足够的空间容纳所有上帝的孩子。. 当爱是一种方式时,我们实际上对待彼此,就像我们是真正的家人一样.”

      -- Bishop Michael Curry
